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Heidi Johnston

Jesus Is Worth Sharing

The Christmas season is upon us, and our attention tends to focus on gifts. Over the past several weeks the children at Westbrook have been exploring the gifts that God has given us. After all, Christmas is a time for giving and receiving gifts. And who doesn’t enjoy receiving gifts?  James 1:17 reminds us that “every good and perfect gift is from above…” The gifts of hope, peace, joy and love are wrapped up in the most perfect gift of all…our beautiful Savior and King…Jesus! 


It was just another night in the fields for the shepherds, until an angel appeared and told them the “good news” of the birth of a baby. “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11) Like most Jews at that time, the shepherds were waiting for the Messiah…the promised Savior that would rescue all people. It’s not difficult to imagine how excited they were as they rushed to find the baby Jesus. Can you imagine the joy that filled their hearts as they looked upon the face of Jesus? The shepherds were so excited about what they had seen and heard that they couldn’t wait to share the “good news” with others. They knew that God sent Jesus for everyone, and they wanted everyone to know about Him! Sometimes our familiarity with the story of Jesus’ birth can rob it of its power to give us joy and the desire share it with others.  


Jesus is God’s gift to the whole world. He is more than a baby. He is more than a favorite Christmas song. More than a beautiful miracle in a sinful world. Jesus is “Emmanuel…God with us!” He is our promised rescue. The Light of the world! And, just like the shepherds who joyfully shared the wonderful news of Christ birth, Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:19-20 to share the “good news” of His love and grace to the world.  


Over the past couple weeks, we have encouraged the children to invite their friends to join them in a celebration of Jesus’ birth during kid’s church next Sunday (Dec. 17th). We want to encourage all of you to share the joy of our beautiful Savior with your friends and neighbors by inviting them to join us for Christmas Eve services as well. After all, Jesus is worth sharing with the world! 

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