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Outreach is not simply something that we do, it is a vital part of who we are. 

Our outreach team helps us fulfill our mission to be a blessing for people Here, Near, and Far through events, volunteering, donations, and more


Get Involved

Join our Outreach team and be a part of our action-oriented approach to showing the love of Christ at Westbrook

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Kids Gardening 8.29[13].png


Partners in Our Community

These are our partners in our local community that allow us to help those we live with.



Partners in Our State

These are our partners in our state that allow us to expand our impact to the metro and beyond.



Partners in Our World

These are our partners that allow our church to go to the very ends of the earth starting in Chaska.

A Heart to Serve

Hey, If we haven't met before my name is Greg Lappin and I am the head of our Outreach and Missions Team at Westbrook Community Church.


Westbrook is humbled and honored to support organizations and people who are fulfilling the Great Commision as well as addressing the needs of those they look to reach with the love of Christ


If you have a heart to serve this maybe a calling for you, to help show the world that Christianity is about loving God and serving others.


Feel free to reach out to me anytime if you have comments, questions, concerns, or anything else. 

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