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Heidi Johnston

Fall has arrived! It’s my favorite season. I love the cooler nights, and warm days. The beautiful colors of the landscape. Pumpkins. Harvest (farm girl in me). Apple picking. And all the yummy fall treats!


Of course, children love it because they get to dress up in costumes and go door-to-door and collect candy. Lots of candy. From the viewpoint of a child, it sounds perfect! Right?!


I only recall one clear memory of going trick-or-treating as a child. Having grown up on a farm in a remote area of southwestern Nebraska, trick-or-treating looked a bit different from what our children experience. My parents drove us around to farmhouses around the area so we could knock on doors and gratefully accept some candy and move on to the next one. It was a long-drawn-out process, which really didn’t yield a great deal of candy. And I would like to pretend that my siblings and I were always a joy to drive around with, but I am sure my parents might have a different view.


So, anyway, one year, when I was around 8 years old, I recall my mom put in a lot of time and effort to create a costume for me using what I believe was her old prom dress. She altered the dress to fit me. The skirt of the dress was layers and layers of aged white puffy tulle, in which she attached lots of red paper hearts all over it.  I wore her beaded crown from when she was the Homecoming queen. I was the Queen of Hearts! And I felt like a princess.


This year would be different. My parents had decided to drive us to the small community of around 60 people instead of drive all over the countryside, mostly because it had been raining for a few days, and dirt roads turn to muddy roads, which doesn’t make for the best travel.


It was a cold and drizzly evening for trick-or-treat. I wore snow boots and my winter coat covering the bodice of my beautiful dress.  We joined friends from school, as we walked the poor-quality sidewalks and muddy streets going door-to-door filling our pumpkin buckets with candy. I wouldn’t realize it until I got home that my once beautiful dress was not so beautiful anymore. The bottom layers of tulle were caked in mud and the paper hearts were wet, torn and bleeding red. I was disappointed that I would not be able to enjoy wearing my dress again. However, all the candy was a wonderful reward.


I share this trick-or-treat memory because this coming Sunday is our Trunk-or-Treat event here at Westbrook for all families from our area to enjoy. It is not only a place for children to go “trunk to trunk” instead of “door to door” to collect candy, but an opportunity to connect with other children, students and families from Westbrook as well as families from our community. I know my mom would have loved this event for our family to attend. Trick or treat without all the travel, plus, she would have had the opportunity to connect with other parents. A definite win-win!


God created us to be in connection with Him and with others. Westbrook Trunk-or-Treat is an opportunity for us to connect and love on each other and the people in our community.  Ecclesiastes 5:9-12 tells us we are better together… “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble…A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” God made us to be better together.


Join us Sunday, October 27th from 3:30-5 pm. Invite your friends and neighbors. There will be a large bounce house slide, cotton candy, face painting, fall crafts, refreshments and candy!


God can work this time together to create opportunities for families to connect and grow in relationship with each other and ultimately Jesus!

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10990 Jonathan Carver Parkway

Chaska, MN  55318

(952) 856 2298

Sunday Worship Times:

9:00 AM & 10:30 AM 


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