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Dick Larson

Growing In Marriage - Love One Another

God gave the Israelites many commandments in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, when Jesus was doing His ministry on Earth, He gave us a new commandment. John 13:34 says “A new commandment I give to you. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. So, what does this mean in our everyday relationships? For individuals, it simply means we are to love all those around us.

But what does love mean in a couple relationship? While it is similar to the love we should have with all those around us, loving our spouse is more. It is a deeper relationship and the meaning of love in that relationship is more powerful. You probably remember how easy it was to fall in love when you first met your husband or wife. Remember how much fun it was just being together? Remember dreaming how wonderful it would be to be together? That kind of love is so easy!

The real question is how do you stay in love and how do you work through those tough times with the one you love? This part is not quite so easy. Is it possible for a husband and wife to stay in love and to stay happy together forever?

Considering this, how would you answer these questions:

· What does marriage mean to you?

· Staying in love requires a plan….Do you have one?

· Think about things you do in marriage that involve some measure of sacrifice for the sake of your spouse.

· What’s important to your spouse and will you honor that?

We think the best way to keep a marriage alive and rewarding is to continually learn what you can do to strengthen it. One of the ways is to experience marriage enrichment through available classes. Westbrook offers that in its Growing in Marriage program. At least a couple times a year, there is a series or event designed to help you build up your marriage. The next one is in October and is called “Staying in Love” by Andy Stanley. In this 4-week series Andy talks about how it’s easy to fall in love but staying in love is the challenge. He has practical ways and ideas to help you strengthen your marriage for the long term. This series is presented by Megan & Alec Onesti and Dick & Bonnie Larson on Tuesdays beginning October 3rd through October 24th. Watch for signup opportunities in the newsletter and Sunday bulletins.

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