Jesus stated several times to care for each other. “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” John 13:33,34. He also stated one of the purposes for a Christian is to grow God’s kingdom. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations.” Matthew 28:19
At Westbrook Church, we have these directives from Christ clearly stated in our vision “be a blessing to the world.”
There is also a plan to put those words into action.
A portion of your giving is set aside to help plant new churches just as Westbrook was helped in the beginning.
Another percentage of your giving is designated for various organizations that are faith based. Funds are distributed to local, statewide, and international organizations.
The organizations Westbrook supports are:
Peruvian Partners. Church members also go to Peru on missions trips.
Justice Ministries. They work to stop human trafficking.
Ukraine. Support pastors and churches.
Love Inc. A local organization assisting those in need.
Alpha classes. They are taught at the church.
Feed My Starving Children. Food is packaged locally and sent around the world.
Dangerous Men. A group to assist men with sexual purity.
New Life Family Services. A group assisting needy mothers.
English Classes. Taught by Julie Sharpe in the church.
Minnesota Indigenous People through Ryan O’Leary.
Bountiful Basket. Providing food locally for people in need.
Church garden. The garden, attended by you, produces over 1,000 pounds of food per season for Bountiful Basket.
Miscellaneous. Funds are set aside for unknowns that may occur.
A project is offered quarterly where you can get involved. This month you will see a snowman attached to the wall in the lobby. Snowballs with an item listed can be removed and that item brought back. These items are given to New Life Family Services.
Thanks and praise to the people who give their gifts to Westbrook that make these donations possible.
If you have a heart for missions and want information about the Outreach committee, contact committee chair Greg Lappin at lappingreg@gmail.com