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Outreach & Missions

Greg Lappin

“Clarity before Strategy” is a powerful principle if applied.

  • Every business should be clear on who their customers are and how will they reach them. They must be able to clearly identify their “brand.” It is imperative that they have a clear vision. Where do they want to be in five years and what are the action plans to achieve their goals?

  • When a family plans a vacation, they must identify a budget. They must be clear on the length of time available. They must decide how will they choose their destination.

The same is true for a church. Clarity of mission is needed. Pastor Kevin did an excellent job clarifying the two major strategies for Westbrook Church in his sermon on October 17th.

They are:

  • “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mathew 28:18-20

  • “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me.” Mathew 25:40

The core values for what we want the church to be are Bible based.

Making disciples not only means connecting with individuals to lead them to a saving knowledge of Christ, but also helping them grow and become strong believers.

When we take time to care for others- without any expectation of anything in return- this captures God’s attention and gives Him joy.

We have several activities you can be involved with during the holiday season.

  • Join us as we fill shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Kickoff is October 31st. Boxes are due back on November 21st. Boxes are available at the church.

  • We participate in the Loads of Love program, coordinated by Love, INC. This is a ministry that provides basic needs to struggling families in our area. As a church, we donate laundry supplies and deliver them to families in need.

  • The early church met in homes and people spent a-lot of time together. Today, we have small groups. It is just as important to be friends with other members and regular attenders as well as people in the community. Consider joining a small group to encourage, sharpen, and challenge each other to become more like Christ.

It is an almost incomprehensible, yet magnificent promise as stated above, “I will be with you- to the very end of the age.” We serve a loving and reliable God. Our prayer is, “God, we worship you because you are good and loving. Show us how to transfer your love to others.”

The Outreach and Missions committee is seeking and accepting new committee members. Please contact staff member Carrie Quigg at or volunteers Mark Danielson at and Greg Lappin at

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