This year’s MEGA Sports Camp VBS is right around the corner. Each year as we begin our planning, it makes me reflect on how VBS changed my life and how it changes the lives of the kids who participate. When my family came to Westbrook, Children’s Ministry was not even on my radar. Little did I know that volunteering for the 1st time at VBS would drastically change the course of my life.
My 1st time volunteering for VBS was in 2017. I was reluctant to sign up to help, not knowing what to expect from this week-long commitment. My timid kids, who insisted on me being there with them, is just the push I needed to sign up. I signed up as a volunteer in art but was willing to help wherever it was needed. I never expected to land as a coach of cheerleading. I had no cheerleading experience but committed myself to make this as fun and memorable as possible for the girls I would be coaching. After all, this week was intended to help change their lives as well.
The week of VBS was a fantastic experience, and God changed my heart and the course of my life. After a week of growing relationships with my “cheer squad” to help them come to faith or grow in their faith, I felt a calling to further help in Children’s Ministries. I began volunteering that fall, both teaching and assisting in all age groups. I loved being a part of teaching, leading, and growing kids in their faith. When the Director of Children’s Ministry position opened up, I was asked if I would be interested in filling in as an interim position, which of course, my answer was yes. Again, I felt a tugging at my heart and a calling from God that this was an open door I should walk through. I ended up leaving my cleaning business in the fall of 2018 to become Westbrook’s Children’s Ministries Director.
You don’t need to have a lot of experience to volunteer for VBS. We aren’t looking for professional coaches, just people who have a heart for kids and the love of Christ. VBS is a week that can change the hearts of adults and kids alike.