I know someone who is a fairly accomplished tennis player.
He was not hitting the ball as crisply and consistently as he wanted. He remembered that Roger Federer, former world number 1 ranked player and winner of 20 Grand Slam titles, said he would look at a spot on the court beneath where he just hit the ball before he moved for the next shot. Keeping his head stationary, made him see the ball all the way into his racquet. Also, when the head is still, it keeps the body in perfect alignment (perfect kinetic chain) during the swing. This keeps the body and racquet under control. These were major factors that contributed to his excellence.
The player tried it while drilling with a friend. Drilling in tennis is hitting toward targets and not playing games. This is similar to a golfer hitting balls on the practice range or a baseball player taking batting practice. He hit 15 minutes without hitting a ball into the net. 15 minutes of drilling without a miss! This brought a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment.
The player knew of this technique but had forgotten to apply it. Golfers- want to cure your “yipes”? Keep your head still throughout your entire swing. Watch a YouTube video and see how long a professional baseball player keeps his head down. Do this drill with your child or grandchild. Toss balls to them when they are practicing their baseball or softball hitting. Tell them they must keep their head still continually looking at the point of contact and not look up until you give them permission. Next, have them identify the quarter you place under their contact point before they can look up. Their hitting success should improve dramatically.
Rediscovering and copying a proven technique gave a tennis player so much joy and success. Why is this discussed in a Christian blog?
Because the technique for joyful and successful living is offered by Jesus. Jesus promised in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you.” He states in John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.”
It is also demonstrated by Jesus. Do we understand the major factors that contribute toward a life filled with peace and joy? Are we living it, copying it or do we need to rediscover it? What did Jesus do? Jesus:
Prayed often
Knew the scriptures
Was devoted to quiet times with God
Do we take time to have a quiet time, pray and read the Bible? We shouldn’t do this as a chore, a duty, or even follow as a principle. We do this to understand and enjoy a better relationship with Jesus. We do it to become more Christlike.
Hitting a tennis ball, baseball, and golf ball with a stationary head throughout the entire swing will bring the player success and joy. Tossing balls to a grandchild educating them to keep their head still will bring them success and you joy seeing them improve. It’s worth the effort.
A commitment to praying and reading the Bible brings us into a more peaceful life and joy to God. It’s the essence of a life lived well. It’s worth the effort.