Sonrise Men's Group
Wednesday | 7:00 AM
Church | Hybrid
We are a group of men focused on growing our relationship with Christ through meeting, study, prayer and fellowship.
We meet bi-weekly on Wednesday mornings at the church from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. We have a broad range of ages from 20’s to 70’s, both working and retired.
Since we have people that travel and can’t always be on-site, we offer a hybrid of both in-person and remote video participation.
Our group studies lessons outside of the meeting time and comes prepared to share highlights in an open discussion. Now we are following a book and study authored by Max Lucado, “10 Men of the Bible, How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World.”
The discussions are lively, transparent and challenging . We always take time to listen to each other’s needs and prayer requests and we encourage healthy relationships to grow between men inside and outside of our meetings.
It’s easy to join our group at any time, even in the midst of a study series.