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Writer's pictureKevin Sharpe

Our Plans

Out of our Leadership Board Retreat on January 5, 2020, we had a great plan to start building our permanent home. We knew we needed to raise some more money, and we put a plan in place to do that through February and March. Then we thought we could secure the financing and get congregational approval in April and begin to build our new church building in the middle of May. It was a good solid plan that everyone thought was doable and realistic.

One thing we didn’t plan for was the coronavirus. That, of course, stopped all our plans in their tracks. The Sunday of March 15, the day we were going to ask for additional pledges, was the exact day that churches were shut down from meeting live. At that point, things looked pretty bleak for us to raise the money we needed or even to think we would have our own building. No one knew how long this pandemic would last or what would be the outcome. All our plans from January 5 were in tatters. It was difficult to maintain faith that God was calling and still leading us to do this.

Although it looked bad from our perspective, God was working, and He has been so faithful to continue to do His work amid a worldwide pandemic. Much to my surprise, during the quarantine, we raise more than the $200,000 additional dollars we needed. We put together financing that will finance the building, and on this past Friday, we signed all the papers and closed on the mortgage that will allow us to start building. We will begin building our facility in the next couple of weeks. God is good and is working even when things around us look bleak.

We will be celebrating a groundbreaking on the weekend of September 19 and 20. We will have a public groundbreaking on Saturday morning, September 19, at 10 am, and then on Sunday we will do our service on the land and celebrate the goodness of God. Please make sure you join us on those special days to celebrate God’s faithfulness.

Thanks for your faithfulness in this whole process. It will be great to see what God does in the future.

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