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Julie Sharpe

Fun To Experience What God Does!

Several years ago, during the midst of the first summer of the pandemic, Connie Chapin contacted me with a really fabulous idea. She was feeling isolated and wanted a stronger sense of connection with other women from Westbrook. I remember meeting her outside of her house eating a gourmet breakfast including my favorite fresh raspberries from her garden. We plotted how God might take this thought and use it that day. Since then, we have been meeting as the Women of Westbrook monthly in one form or another with the sole purpose of feeling more in relationship with other women from Westbrook. We have met on people’s decks, in restaurants, in the Gathering Place at the church building and at the Christmas Brunch event. All of this has been focused on building stronger community connections and often times includes prayer. Maybe if you are a female from Westbrook, you have experienced how Connie’s vision has worked?

Here is a photo of our most recent gathering of fifteen women at Med Box Grill in Chanhassen. Perhaps you would like to join us on February 28th at Winchester and Rye in Victoria at 6:30? Love to include you and your guests. Thanks to Connie for acting on a prompting! So glad you listened.

Another God prompting happened this winter in relation to women and Westbrook. One of my friends, Jannette Costa, asked me if we had a Bible Study for women here at Westbrook. I said, let’s talk more. We got together at the south office of Westbrook, Caribou Coffee on Chaska Blvd! She explained her thoughts and I asked questions. I knew in the past having a women’s Bible Study hadn’t drawn much interest formally since women were involved elsewhere but said let’s give it a try! I have more time now and was interested myself. Tuesday night February 7th is our first meeting. Quite a few of you have communicated you are interested in joining Jannette and I. We will meet at the church building at 6:30 pm and try to wrap up around 7:30 pm. We will be using the Kay Arthur deductive Bible study on Breaking Free from Fear to guide our discussions and study. Deductive Bible study is when you read a passage or passages from the Bible and then study it. This is a time where we hope women from all stages of their spiritual journey can participate comfortably and learn something from the Scripture and our time as women. So, if you have a Bible, bring it along. If you don’t, we will have some there. We will not meet the week we have our monthly gathering so we can participate in that. Women are welcomed to join us for. Looking forward to what God has in store from this second prompting! So glad Connie and Jannette listened and acted. God does some pretty cool things we when listen and act. One of my friends often says, ‘God, He does stuff. ‘… come and see!

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