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Missions & Outreach with Feed My Starving Children

Greg Lappin

Westbrook Church is active in many ways. One focus is to live the commandments of Luke 6:36 “ You must be compassionate just as your Father is compassionate” and Philippians 2:4 “Don’t look out only for your own interests but take an interest in others too.”

Westbrook Community Church family and friends on Saturday October 14th at 2pm through 3:45pm are filling food boxes at Feed My Starving Children. Feed My Starving Children is a faith-based non-profit ministry, committed to feeding God's starving children - hungry in body and spirit.

Monies donated to Westbrook are used to buy the food and then members and friends fill boxes with the food purchased through those funds. It is great fun socializing with people at your table (your group may stay together) as well as support a worthwhile effort.

FMSC's carefully chosen food-distribution partners are the hands and feet of Jesus in their own communities, providing hope and healing in a variety of settings, from schools to hospitals, orphanages, churches, refugee camps, malnutrition clinics and more.

In addition to meeting daily needs, their unique partnerships allow them to provide relief after an unexpected crisis. For example, when war broke out in Ukraine leaving hundreds of thousands of people distressed and displaced, FMSC was able to mobilize through their long-time partner, Mission Eurasia. Since February of 2022, FMSC has provided 28 million meals to directly impact those in need. FMSC's unique network of trusted partnerships makes crisis response possible - along with the continued faithfulness of their donors and volunteers.

As of now, FMSC is feeding 1.2 million children every single day. This is amazing! But more hungry children are praying for rescue and are standing in line with an empty bowl.

When you pack a meal, say a prayer, or donate to FMSC, you are personally filling empty bowls and empty spirits, in Jesus' name.

We invite you to join Westbrook Community Church on Saturday October 14th at 2pm (ending at 3:45pm) and turn hunger into HOPE with your own two hands! All are welcome. Bring your friends and family and let's celebrate all that God is doing through Westbrook and FMSC!

Click here to join our group: Westbrook Community Church at FMSC

FMSC welcomes your financial, prayer and volunteer support throughout the year! Click here for more information:

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