Our intent at our first visit to Westbrook Community Church was to quietly observe and just check things out. We were coming from a larger church and were missing the sense of community and belonging. From the moment we stepped in the doors of Westbrook, we were warmly welcomed and engaged in conversation by several folks who wanted to get to know us. We were so warmly embraced that we knew immediately we had found our new church home.
This experience is not unique to us. Most people who are regular attenders at Westbrook will tell you that they visited and stayed because it was so obvious from their first visit that Westbrook was a community of warm and welcoming people that truly cared about others.
John 13:34 Jesus says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Hospitality is one way of showing this love for one another whether old friends or strangers.
Each Sunday, guests and members are met with a good morning greeting and a smile as they enter the building. They are invited to partake in coffee, cookies, and conversation which are great things to energize people and facilitate their meeting and talking with newly found friends who are genuinely interested in them. This feeling of warmth and acceptance is so important to how people perceive the church and how they perceive how they may fit in there. This makes Sunday services something to look forward to… seeing new friends, enjoying good conversation and hearing God’s word.
The culture of hospitality is pervasive throughout the church. We also have a Hospitality Ministry that consists of volunteers who “officially” greet, serve coffee and treats and welcome first-time visitors. This ministry provides a critical function to the support and growth of the church by providing an open and welcoming first and continuing impression of Westbrook Community Church.
The Hospitality team consists of some really great and dedicated people who make sure each and every family and person entering on Sunday feels welcomed. We are truly blessed by these people.
If you are interested in becoming part of this ministry or just have questions about what it involves, please contact us at info@westbrook.cc . We’d love to have an opportunity to chat with you!
A special thank you to all the volunteers who continue to give of their time to support this ministry!