My favorite Easter verse is what the angels told the women who had come to the tomb early on that Sunday morning. It says:
In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24:5-6
They asked the women why did they search for the living among the dead? You can kind of hear the sarcasm in their voices. What are you doing here? The women could have said we saw him Friday night and he was dead. We saw the men put him in this tomb and he was dead. The angels go on to say, “Don’t you remember that he talked about this. That he had to be handed over to sinners, had to be crucified and then on the third day he would rise again.” Verse 8 is cool too. It says, “Then they remembered his words.”
The women probably thought we would never search for someone that was alive in a graveyard. They were looking in the wrong place. Jesus isn’t dead anymore. He is not here in the tomb. He has risen. He is alive.
And his resurrection changes everything. His resurrection means that he paid the penalty for our sins and he defeated death. If we put our trust and faith in him we will also be resurrected in the next life. And in this life we have a constant companion and can live with Jesus through His Holy Spirit that lives inside of us. That is really good news for now and in the future. I hope you celebrate this truth on Easter Sunday! He is not here; he has risen.