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small groups at westbrook community church

Roger Falkenstein

We are experiencing an epidemic of loneliness.  Did you know that one in 4 people world-wide struggle with loneliness?  And in the US that statistic increases to over 50%.   This data was confirmed in polls conducted by Gallup, CNN, What’s the Big Data and others.  

How can this be, in an age where we are more connected than ever, with the internet, mobile phones and social media?  Those same statistics show that frequent social media users are twice as likely to be lonely.  

Loneliness is defined as a lack of meaningful or close relationships or sense of belonging, according to the American Psychiatric Association’s latest Healthy Minds Monthly Poll. The big challenge is that people close that loneliness gap by unhealthy behavior. 

So, what is the antidote? Jesus is the friend who “sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24), who lays down His life for His friends (John 15:13-15), and who has promised never to leave us or forsake us but to be with us until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Jesus also knew that we were designed to be in authentic and close relationships. He surrounded himself with a small group.

At Westbrook we understand that to support a healthy and sustainable community in Christ we must encourage people to be engaged in a small group. Therefore, we are committed to small group ministry here.

We have several small active small groups today that typically are linked by some common interests or situations. Young married couples with children, young married couples without children, empty nesters, people in some sort of recovery, many assortments of men and women’s groups with focus on book study or even one of many video series.

We have many new people now asking about small group options we have and there are some potential groups looking to start up. Whatever your situation is, please reach out to Westbrook via communications card, phone call, text, e-mail… even social media.  We will get in touch with you and help you find a group that will fit your needs. 

Roger Falkenstein – small group leader.

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